conversation between me and my mum...
she: why you always dropped?
me: everyone also dropped...
she: you always find reason...always say EVERYONE ALSO EVERYONE ALSO...why don't you say yourself?
me: oh~
she: how can you like this? you should work hard...
me: en~
she: you see you tuition what? tuition until results dropped...
me: oh~
she: you can't always rely on tuition...
me: yes~
she: if no tuition, then you'll die lo?
me: oh~
she: those people who don't have tuition no need get A lo?
me: en~
she: i don't know why nowadays you'll become like this...
me: oh~
she: if you say everyone dropped, then why people can score better than you?
me: because they're clever...
she: why can't you be clever?
me: ==...
she: (bla bla bla)
me: oh
she: (bla bla bla)
me: en~
to be continued....