(Currently at Angela's house. Overnight.)
Today was a big day for me.
Finally the result is out.
Once i reached hall saw Lava was tearing and hugging Meera.
For sure, she straight As. LOL.
Soon, it's my turn.
Quite nervous. Teacher asked me to sign 1st.
Then she ask me how many As i want.
I say 7. Then she say: Baik. Cikgu bagi Kim Ling 7A.
Then i looked at my result slip at shouted like mad for 10 seconds on the chair.
Unfortunately, some of my friends who took 8 subjects only get 7As.
Feel happy for them too. But they don't seems so happy. LOL
Then went parade after the photography session.
Need to buy a lot of stuffs. =(
Saw Choon Yee at Sky Mex. He told me he 7A then he said want to go to top floor jump building wor. Hahahahahaha XD
Then later on saw Winnie. Hahaha.
Eh. I forget her hair colour today is black or brown. LOL!
Then, my phone suddenly rang.
A phone call from Nicholous.
Feel surprised. LOL. He asked me how many A.
After that, went for my lunch at foodcourt. Or should i say breakfast. LOL
Most of my friends are going for a movie.
Actually i want too. =( Too bad i don't have enough time.
Then wander around in Parade.
Went back at 2pm. Go angela's house.
At night singing competition at Taiping. Today final.
Today sang a new song, maybe because today 1st time sing this song,
i was freaking nervous.
Whole song out of tune. =P
Hahahaha. Doesn't matter. Still got RM50 as prize.
Then went back at around 12am.
That's all for today.
Thanks for reading. =D

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Picture 2