just, listen

Monday, August 17, 2009


today morning computer class...get a news
RE2 International Computer School is having an annual party named 'RE2 Fashion Show' on 26th September 2009...at Heritage Hotel Ballroom...6pm to 9pm...the fee is RM40 per person...the most outstanding wearing which means 'Fashion King and Queen' will get a Dell Mini Laptop...wow...i know i can't get it...TT...
my friends...anyone would like to come???
today i wore a mask during my computer class...so weird...
i'm the only one wearing mask...TT...
take a nap...
after that...bath my dog...TT...have to do this every week...
then go online n play SDO...these days i'm interested with this game...^^
tmr is exam...no need to study huh?? dunno...
i don't even know tmr is testing what subject...XD
at night, went out for dinner...today din saw him...LOL...
when reach home...after finished with my housework...SDO again...
verses my brother...lol...
just now took almost an hour time to edit my photo...
so happy^^...that's my first successfully edited p
hoto...i know it's normal...for me quite ok but for others dunno nice or not....
now is 2.30am...wah...just now my mum woke up...
luckily she din come down stairs(living room)...
seriously...if she know that i 2.30am oso not yet slp...starts from tmr onwards i no need to touch computer...
anyway, t
hats all for today...

my 1st edited photo...nice mah??
(u can leave me a comment)

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