First day of ICTO Championship...
when warming up...i sweat like bathing...
sweating non stop...full of spirit...
later on they called my me to get ready....
i standing thr n wait to go in to the arena...
whn nearly reach me....they called us to wait...
1 category gt 2 first they plan to finish the first round for every category...
then suddenly they say hv to finish both rounds for the open category first...
wait again...i waited almost 1 hour...wat spirit also gone...
i perform like a shit...maybe i'm too nervous...
i only get 17.4 out of 30 marks...
haiz...watever...try harder next time...
damn boring...sms severals ppl one reply...
some of them replied but just say 'o' or tell me they are busy...
so sad....wanted to cry....but i can't do that....haiz....
stay at stadium till 11 sumthing at's almost 12 o'clock when i reach hotel slp at 1 o'clock...
the stadium
8th International Clubs Open Taekwondo Championship
in stadium's toilet
when warming up...i sweat like bathing...
sweating non stop...full of spirit...
later on they called my me to get ready....
i standing thr n wait to go in to the arena...
whn nearly reach me....they called us to wait...
1 category gt 2 first they plan to finish the first round for every category...
then suddenly they say hv to finish both rounds for the open category first...
wait again...i waited almost 1 hour...wat spirit also gone...
i perform like a shit...maybe i'm too nervous...
i only get 17.4 out of 30 marks...
haiz...watever...try harder next time...
damn boring...sms severals ppl one reply...
some of them replied but just say 'o' or tell me they are busy...
so sad....wanted to cry....but i can't do that....haiz....
stay at stadium till 11 sumthing at's almost 12 o'clock when i reach hotel slp at 1 o'clock...

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