this morning went for computer lesson...
OMG!! i saw Jacky Wong....
==|||...why is he in my class??
i thought he told me he's in level 7?(i'm level 6)
whatever...maybe i'm gonna be in the same class with him until MARCH 2010...T_T
today teacher asked: "what is INTERNET?"
nobody knows the answer...
then i simply say INTERnational NETworking...
OMG...i guess it proud...XD
after lunch at ipoh garden...
i asked my mum to buy "ais kacang"...
she stop down the car at a restaurant...
and call me go down to buy it myself...
*funny stuff happened* (refer to picture below)
usually we buy "ais kacang" at shop B...
today my mum stopped the car at shop A...(no parking)
i went in shop A and buy "ais kacang"...
at first i also feel very weird...
"why different like last time??decorated??"
she gave me RM6 cause shop B RM2 each packet...
when shop A finished...the worker tell me "RM6.90"
i'm like ..."har??" she say "each packet RM2.30"
at first i thought "value raised??" go ask my mum for money...
she ask me "where you buy??" i say "this shop(shop A)"
she scold me " AIYO! this shop la! (shop B)"
i start laughing...LOL...she continue scold...
she say " last time you buy at this shop(A) meh?? no rite?! how come you can go in the wrong shop?! you ah...really PIG"
LOL...ok it was my fault...hahaXD...i admit...=P
at night, just now went out for dinner...
i feel like everybody's looking...(not perasan)...
then later on my mum ask: why you wear 2 necklaces??
==||| i know why...

finished blogging at 12.32am...